Why should I buy direct from your Website?

That's a good question, what is the benefit to you from buying direct from me?
Well, I will always publish here first and I will always offer you special pricing here first too. As I expand my books you will find that some products are only available on here.

At some point I hope to have some artwork available to accompany my books and that will only ever be available on here.

The facts are as follows
I'm an independent author and I can't compete against the behemoth stores. The Print On Demand providers I'll be using are also independent businesses and produce better quality books than those produced by the big online stores.

The online stores take a considerable cut of revenue from books and most of us indie authors are not selling our books at expensive prices - this is particularly true for eBooks. Traditional publishers charge a lot more for eBooks.

Print books will always be expensive to physically produce and I've chosen to work with two Print on Demand printers to produce great quality product at the best most efficient cost we can achieve.

Being independent is important
As indie authors when we publish on Amazon we have no direct relationship with our readers. When you buy direct from an indie author via their website then you are directly supporting them without any middlemen. It feels like a better relationship to me and I know I value and appreciate your support in this way. I think supporting independence is a worthy thing to do and I hope you do too!

Ease of use
My site and the my book pages on here should be cleaner to view and not be populated with a myriad of other books. It will be easy and simple to buy direct from me and I hope you will value that!